Chapter Elections and Committees

Executive board positions are voted on every fall for the coming year.  Article V of the Chapter bylaws has five elected positions and several appointed committee chairs. Even in an uncontested election, a list of candidates for elected positions is submitted to voting chapter members (members who have paid dues) before the new Board takes office at the Western Section Annual Meeting. The ballot for elected board members is available in December.

Elected Positions:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Representative to Western Section.

The Vice President, President, and Past President constitute a 3-year term on the board. As such, the President automatically transitions to Past President, and Vice President transitions to President, so these two do not require a vote.

Appointed Committee Chairs:

Technology Committee, Scholarship Committee, Northern Area Liaison, Membership Committee, Professional Development Committee, Newsletter Committee, Conservation Affairs Committee, and Diversity Committee.

Technology Committee Chair – Ensures the Chapter’s website contains current content, oversees the Chapter’s Social Media accounts, and makes fliers or advertising events. Join the committee and learn how to use Canva, Metabusiness Suite, and WordPress to create fliers and social media posts, and website design.

Scholarship Committee Chair – Reviews scholarship applications, creates scholarship opportunities, and works with the Technology Chair and Newsletter Chair to advertise scholarship opportunities.

Northern Area Liaison – Plans and coordinates events in the northern counties, typically the Redding or Mt. Shasta area for the chapter. Works with various committees to plan events.

Membership Committee Chair – Manages the membership database and dues

Professional Development Committee Chair – Plans professional development programs for chapter members. Events are held in different counties. Works with other committees to plan programs and generate ideas for future member opportunities.

Newsletter Committee Chair – Writes and sends out the newsletter emails. Coordinates with the Technology Committee to create fliers

Conservation Affairs Chair – The Conservation Affairs Chair drafts comment letters, tracks conservation issues, and coordinates with the Western Section TWS and TWS National Conservation Network.

Diversity Committee Chair – Works with the various committees and the board to increase awareness for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) among the chapter’s events and general operations. This committee engages with other organizations to be a part of a DEI support network. Works with the Scholarship Committee to host DEI-related scholarship opportunities.

What do I gain from being on a committee or the board?

  • Networking skills
  • Event planning and coordination skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Increase your knowledge of the wildlife within the chapter boundaries
  • Confidence
  • Technology skills
  • Certified Wildlife Biologist credits for board positions
  • You get to be a part of a community of folks who are working together to build the chapter

Are you interested in engaging with your chapter?  The committees seek to engage chapter members and are looking for interested folks.  Email us at

Executive Board Candidate Statements

Stay tuned for 2025 nominations in December 2024